Steve Densem

Workplace Apprenticeship Educator, Te Awamutu


From Papua New Guinea to Hamilton

Born in Papua New Guinea and now residing in Te Awamutu, Steve Densem’s passion for the building and construction industry was ignited by its allure of practical skills and the dynamic on-site environment.  

With 18 years of experience in the industry, Steve's career is marked by notable achievements, including winning a gold award at the Master Builders House of the Year competition and training numerous apprentices to become registered builders and carpenters.  

Additionally, his role as a judge for the Apprentice of the Year competition speaks volumes about his expertise and dedication to nurturing talent. 

“As it became too hard on my body to continue working on-site, I saw being a Workplace Apprentice Educator (WAE) at Builders Academy as an opportunity to remain closely involved with the industry.”  

Transitioning from on-site work to a WAE was a natural progression for Steve, continuing to pursue his passion for helping youth realise their potential.  

Steve's decision to join Builders Academy stemmed from his belief that the organisation prioritised the needs of learners and offered a system that served their learning better.  

As a WAE, Steve recognises the importance of pastoral care in supporting apprentices to achieve their education and employment goals.  

"Tradespeople are not always the best at admitting they need help," he acknowledges, emphasising the role of educators in providing guidance and support beyond the technical aspects of training.  

"I’ve had a few learners that start their apprenticeships after having a hard time at school and thinking that they would never complete a qualification.” 

"I offer techniques that worked for me, change my assessment practice to suit them, and give them positive feedback on their achievements – which has been a winning formula for my apprentices’ success." 


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